A Contract for Deed is a tool that can allow buyers who either don’t qualify for traditional lending options or who want a faster financing option to purchase property. … The seller retains legal title to the property until the balance is paid; the buyer gets legal title to the property once the final payment is made.


Buying real estate through a contract for deed  is fairly straightforward. The buyer gives the seller a down payment for the home and the seller acts as the bank, financing the balance of the purchase price. The buyer and seller work together to negotiate an interest rate at the time of purchase. Generally, the seller carries the loan/contract for a 3-5  years on average, at which time a balloon payment is due.


Benefits of a contract for deed for Buyers

A  contract for deed  allows a buyer who is not able to secure traditional financing to purchase real estate. The buyer has time to work on any credit issues he may have, including lowering his debt-to-income ratio, and to save for the down payment on a traditional loan. Establishing a job history. Some times buyers have filed for Bankruptcy and just need to wait out the time period to get a mortgage.

Seller benefits

A  contract for deed puts the seller in great position. They can collects payments on the property for a set number of years and then sells it for a fixed price. If the buyer fails to make payments, the seller cancel the contract. If the buyer is unwilling or unable to make the balloon payment, the property still belongs to the seller and he can do with it as he chooses.

When interest rates are high and credit is tight, there are fewer buyers on the market. Contract for deed can attract buyers who would not normally have been able to purchase property.


Rent To Own or Buy on a Contract for deed?

In both a rent-to-own or Contract for Deed, the buyer makes regular monthly payments to the seller rather than to a bank or lending institution. For a  period of time specified in the lease/Rent or  Contract for Deed – Most of the time period is three to five years – the buyer pays off the balance of the sales price by taking out a regular mortgage on the property or If the buyer comes into a large sum of money the buyer can pay the contract off in full.


In a lease arrangement, the deal is structured so that the buyer has the option of buying the property at a predetermined price at the end of the contract period. On a Contract for Deed, the buyer purchases the property at the outset, with a balloon payment due to the seller at the end of the contract. In both cases, some or all of the buyer’s monthly payments, plus any money paid up front, are figured into the purchase price to help the buyer establish equity in the property.

The big difference between a rent-to-own arrangement and a land contract is that the seller maintains control of and responsibility for the property in a lease deal. The seller is responsible for the maintenance of the property, any repairs and for paying property taxes and insurance, the same as any landlord. The seller also gets to deduct those costs, as well as any mortgage interest, on his or her tax returns.


On a land contract, the buyer is responsible for property taxes, insurance and mortgage interest, although these will usually be paid through the seller. However, the buyer does get to deduct them from his or her taxes; the seller cannot.


A buyer’s right to make improvements or alterations to a property may also be more limited under a lease agreement, unless those rights are specifically granted through the lease contract.

The Seller Becomes a Landlord

For a seller, one of the main advantages of a lease-to-own arrangement is that it’s easier to evict a buyer for nonpayment. The process for evicting a tenant for nonpayment is generally faster and simpler than cancelling the Contract for deed. In Minnesota the seller can cancel the Contract for deed in 60 days of Non Payment. See legal advice if you have to cancel the contract for deed.

Buyers Options

For a buyer, a rent-to-own agreement carries less of an obligation at the end of the contract than a contract for deed does. In a lease-to-own, the buyer has the option – not the obligation – to buy the property at the end of the contract period. With a contract for deed, the buyer has already entered into a loan agreement for the full purchase price. If the buyer decides not to – or is unable to – obtain a regular mortgage to cover the balance remaining at the end of the contract the buyer could loose out on the down payment money and equity made. We always advice the our clients to talk to the seller 1 year before the contract is due and see if the seller is willing to expend the contract. If not the buyer has plenty of time to sell the property and move on to a new home with a down payment from the equity in their home.

The down side of lease to own.

For buyers, one of the upsides of a Contract for Deed is that you can obtain title insurance and register the sale with the county. In Minnesota its the law the contract for deed must be recorded. This allows the buyer to identify any restrictions or liens on the property up front, which you may not be aware of if you opt for a rent-to-own arrangement. Registering the sale also provides some degree of protection against subsequent liens against the property.


In a lease, the buyer loses any money paid in rent and upfront if they cannot keep up with the rent payments or are unable to obtain regular mortgage financing to complete the transaction at the end of the contract period. In a Contract for Deed, buyers may still retain an equity interest in the property in these situations, but must sell the home if they cannot make the payments.





Finding the Right Realtor to Sell Your home.

Realtors are home selling experts. Every Realtor is different — with unique personalities and niches — which is why you’ll need to choose the right Realtor for you.

  1. What kind of properties does the agent you require specialize in?

2.  How long has the agent/Broker been in real estate?

3.  Is it a buyers market or sellers market? Why do I need to know this?

In a buyers market it takes a knowledgable realtor to market the property and promote it to other agents.

What should I do before I list my home?

A good real estate professional will help you assess the value of your home and determine whether your house has imperfections that are worth fixing before you list it on the market.

Should I have my property professionaly staged?  Interior or landscaping upgrades-Paint-New Carpet-Pet oder-some people are pet sensitive.

Marketing Your property.

BoardWalk Premier Realty will be in charge of marketing your home to potential buyers, so be sure to ask about their standard marketing package, which may include:

  • Yard signs and paper flyers
  • Professional listing photography
  • Digital and social media ads
  • Postcards or other “snail mail” sent to potential buyers
  • Creative open house ideas
  • Networking with other Realtors
  • Open Houses
  • Web sites
  • past clients
  • Hot buyers ready to purchase

How do I draw Multiple Offers on My home?

  1. Hire BoardWalk Premier Realty.

Success in staging

You can boost your resale value by making small, but impactful changes like new carpet, fresh paint,Stainless appliances, modern landscaping, staging and more.

Timing and pricing of the home

The first two weeks after listing a home on the market are the most critical for sellers, because buyer interest is at an all-time high during this period.

Talk with your BoardWalk Premier Realty to optimize your success when listing. You can plan ahead to accommodate for:

  • More showings
  • An open house or open house weekend
  • Will my house be on the mls> Yes
  • Will my home be on Zillow or truly> yes
  • Will my home be on other real estate sites> Yes all Real Estate companies that offer broker reciprocity your property will be listed on the internet.
  • Determine the list price of your house?

You will want to set yourself up for the highest bidding price, make sure you don’t price your house too high. The Sellers hold an advantage, pricing too high can mean more time on market and fewer offers coming in which ultimately could result in a lower sale price.

Be sure to work with your Steve Vennemann to compare your property to similar homes that have sold recently in your area. It will work to your advantage to come up with a Great listing price  one that is not so high that it turns buyers off.

It is very important to price your home with the comparable’s it saves the seller time and money in the long run.

How do I negotiate my home with multiple offers?

  • BoardWalk Premier Realty will receive offers through buyers’ agents.
  • You and BoardWalk Premier Realty will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each offer.
  • Steve Vennemann will support you as you assess each bid.

At first, you might want to accept the highest price. There are other variables in the decision.

For example, you may want to accept an offer with:

  • A flexible closing date — depending on where you are moving or if you have a “Plan B” housing option.
  • Fewer (or no) contingencies.
  • More down at closing, pre-approved buyers or other factors that indicate the mortgage will be approved.
  • Closing costs that will be paid in full by the buyer.

It’s possible that after receiving multiple offers, you will be able to select one of the original offers based on their bid or other factors. In this case, you will work with BoardWalk Premier Realty to sign the purchase agreement and proceed to the closing table.

Sometimes the seller can offer a  higher price or more favorable closing terms than you received in round one, you can work with your Steve Vennemann to propose different terms, which is called making a counteroffer. When there is more than 1 offer the price of the home can go above the listing price. Thats why its important to price the home right to start with..

What should I do with Multiple offers?

Different ways  to see if you can receive a higher closing price than the one offered by the buyers in the first round of bids. The Seller can sign a counteroffer with specific terms and send it to a select buyer you’d like to work with. If the buyer agrees to your terms and signs the counteroffer, The Deal is made. The buyer may  respond by submitting their own counteroffer.

The Seller can work with multiple buyers by asking all the buyers to come back with their best and final offer. That means that they may increase their initial bid or make the sale easier on the seller. This includes removing contingencies, offering to pay full closing costs or offering a closing date that is best for the seller.

When navigating counteroffers, you’ll want to work closely with your BoardWalk Premier Realty to develop a strategy that will maximize your sale. Steve Vennemann will also help you select a buyer who is not only coming in with the best bid and terms, but who is also likely to be approved for the final loan. Steve Vennemann can help you weigh the pros and cons until you determine the buyer whose bid you’d like to accept.

There are many different types of contingencies, but here are some of the most common scenarios.

At a minimum, the real estate purchase contract will include the following items:

  • The mutually agreed-upon sale price
  • Earnest money deposit
  • Property address and description
  • Terms of the sale
  • Date of final walk-through
  • Date of closing
  • Home buyer’s contingencies


Contingent, subject to inspection: The buyer and seller have signed a purchase agreement (contract), but the buyer is allowed to cancel the deal if the buyer does not like the results of the home inspection. Usually these inspections take place a few days after the purchase agreement is signed.

Contingent, sale of another property: The buyer and seller have signed a purchase agreement, but the buyer is allowed to cancel if the buyer’s own home does not sell. This may be critical for the buyer, who is protected against having to buy before they have sold their current home. The seller Could call the contingency which happens alot, if the seller receives another offer — and the buyer may lose the deal if they cannot get their home sold within a short period of time. Seller’s may list their home for sale contingent upon finding a new home.

Contingent, subject to third party approval: The buyer and seller have signed a purchase agreement, but the seller’s lender must approve the sale because the sale proceeds will not be sufficient to pay off the seller’s mortgage loan.

Contingent, subject to statutory right of rescission: The buyer and seller have signed a purchase agreement, but the buyer has a limited period of time to cancel the contract under a state law that provides a rescission period for the purchase of condos, townhomes, or cooperatives.


or mnhomescontractfordeed.com




Foreclosure is a legal process in which a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments to the lender by forcing the sale of the asset used as the collateral for the loan.

The foreclosure process as applied to residential mortgage loans is a bank or other secured creditor selling or repossessing a parcel of real property after the owner has failed to comply with an agreement between the lender and borrower called a “mortgage” or “deed of trust”. Commonly, the violation of the mortgage is a default in payment of a promissory note, secured by a lien on the property. When the process is complete, the lender can sell the property and keep the proceeds to pay off its mortgage and any legal costs, and it is typically said that “the lender has foreclosed its mortgage or lien”. If the promissory note was made with a recourse clause and if the sale does not bring enough to pay the existing balance of principal and fees, then the mortgagee can file a claim for a deficiency judgment.  Items included to calculate the amount of a deficiency judgment include the loan principal, accrued interest and attorney fees less the amount the lender bid at the foreclosure sale.

Where can I find a foreclosure to purchase in Minnesota or Wisconsin.

Contact boardwalkpremierrealty.com


Steve Vennemann

1. FHA loan

In an FHA loan, the Federal Housing Administration insures the mortgage. The FHA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The FHA’s backing offers lenders a layer of protection, meaning that your lender won’t experience a loss if you default on the mortgage.

FHA loans typically come with competitive interest rates, smaller down payments and lower closing costs than conventional loans.

If you have a credit score of 580 or higher, you could be eligible for a mortgage with a down payment as low as 3.5 percent of the purchase price. If your credit score is lower than 580, you still might qualify for an FHA mortgage, but the down payment would be could be up to 10 percent of the purchase amount.

There are other programs with lower credit scores contact us we can help guide you to some lenders.

2. VA loan

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) helps active-duty military members, veterans and surviving spouses buy homes.

The VA guarantees part of the loan, making it possible for lenders to offer some special features. VA loans come with competitive interest rates and require no down payment. You aren’t required to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI), and a minimum credit score isn’t needed for eligibility.

If it becomes difficult to make payments on the mortgage, the VA can negotiate with the lender on your behalf.


3. USDA loan

While not well known, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a homebuyer assistance program.

While the program focuses on homes in certain rural areas, you don’t need to buy or run a farm to be eligible.

The USDA guarantees the home loan. There may be no down payment required, and the loan payments are fixed.

Applicants with a credit score of 640 or higher typically get streamlined processing. With a credit score below 640, you still can qualify for a USDA loan,  the lender will ask for extra documentation about your payment history.

4. Good Neighbor Next Door

The Good Neighbor Next Door program, sponsored by HUD, provides housing aid for law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade teachers.

Through this program, you can receive a discount of 50 percent on a home’s listed price in regions known as “revitalization areas.”

5. Energy-efficient mortgage (EEM)

An energy-efficient, or “green,” mortgage is designed to help you add improvements to your home to make it more environmentally friendly. The federal government supports EEM loans by insuring them through the FHA or VA programs.

The key advantage of this mortgage is that it lets you create an energy-efficient home without having to make a larger down payment. The extra cost is rolled into your primary loan.

Some improvements you can make include installing double-paned windows, new insulation or a modern heating-and-cooling system.

5. Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-sponsored entities. They work with local lenders to offer mortgage options that benefit low- and moderate-income families.

With the backing of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, lenders can offer competitive interest rates and accept down payments as low as 3 percent of the purchase price.

7. FHA Section 203(k)

If you’ve run the numbers to see how much house you can afford and have determined a fixer-upper is best for your budget, the Section 203(k) rehabilitation program may be a good fit.

This type of loan, backed by the FHA, takes into consideration the value of the residence after improvements have been made. It then lets you borrow the funds you’ll need to carry out the project and includes them in your main mortgage.

The down payment for a 203(k) loan can be as low as 3 percent. This loan will take longer to close on than a standard Fha mortgage.

8. Native American Direct Loan

Since 1992, the Native American Veteran Direct Loan program has helped Native American veterans and their spouses buy homes on federal trust lands. The VA serves as the lender.

If you’re eligible, you won’t be required to make a down payment or pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI).

This first-time homebuyer loan also offers low closing costs and a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.

9. Local grants and programs

In addition to the various programs provided by the federal government, Minnesota can offer help to first-time homebuyers.

10.  Local credit unions can offer lower rates and fees than some standard banks.

To view all homes in the mls goto boardwalkpremierrealty.com



Are you a  homebuyer having trouble securing financing?

As a buyer, getting a mortgage can be difficult if your financial situation isn’t perfect as most peoples’ credit or situations are not. Things happen in life. Medical-Jobs-Self employed with 2 years of documented income-credit history missed a payment. ect.  How do I get into a home with out getting a mortgage thru a lender or a bank?

Owner financing is just what it sounds like. instead of the buyer getting a loan from the bank, the person selling the house lends the buyer the money for the purchase. This can be known as a Contract for deed-Owner financing-seller financing-land contract.

The buyer and seller execute a promissory note providing an interest rate, repayment schedule, and consequences of default. The buyer sends his monthly mortgage payments to the seller, who gets to earn interest on the loan, which is higher rate than he could get elsewhere. If the seller chooses to sell the contract for deed at a later the for more the buyer will send the monthly mortgage payments to the investor who purchases the loan. All the terms of the contract will remain the same.

Owner financing is often for a three to five years, with a balloon payment due at the end. Sometimes longer if the seller is willing to carry the note for a longer period of time.

Ask about property

Contact us today we have 100s of different types of properties for sale contract for deed in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. everything from a lake property-Cabin to New construction-Farms-Single Family-Town homes-Condos-even some for sale by Owners. Contact us we are a full service real estate company.
